Is it possible to pray without words?

I was wondering if it is possible to pray without words. I found this.

Here is an excerpt from

Praying (4336) (proseuchomai from pros = toward, facing, before [emphasizing the direct approach of the one who prays in seeking God’s face] + euchomai = originally to speak out, utter aloud, express a wish, then to pray or to vow. Greek technical term for invoking a deity) in the NT is always used of prayer addressed to God (to Him as the object of faith and the One who will answer one’s prayer) and means to speak consciously (with or without vocalization) to Him, with a definite aim (See study of noun proseuche).

This reminds me of the following articles.

I discovered a little while back that technology exists capable of interpreting the electrical signals in the body and brain.

Army developing ‘synthetic telepathy’
Read This Thought: The U.S. Army is developing a technology known as synthetic telepathy that would allow someone to create email or voice mail and send it by thought alone. The concept is based on reading electrical activity in the brain using an electroencephalograph, or EEG.”

Hitachi: Move the Train With Your Brain
“Forget the clicker: A new technology in Japan could let you control electronic devices without lifting a finger simply by reading brain activity.”

NASA Develops System To Computerize Silent, “Sub-vocal Speech”
“NASA scientists have begun to computerize human, silent reading using nerve signals in the throat that control speech.”

NASA develops ‘mind-reading’ system
“Preliminary results show that using button-sized sensors, which attach under the chin and on the side of the Adam’s apple, it is possible to pick up and recognize nerve signals and patterns from the tongue and vocal cords that correspond to specific words”

Am I implying telekinesis? No, but the above examples show proof that the mind exerts energy when thoughts are provoked. In other words, something happens.

I believe Christ does not have preeminence in telekinesis which is a deception provided by the enemy. Telekinesis is self-inspired. It is a counterfeit of the real thing. So is telepathy. The bible shows examples of the real occurrences of these “powers”, which are inspired by the Holy Spirit. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are for the Church, someone other than self.

1 Thess. 5:17 says, “Pray without ceasing.” In my strength, this is not humanly possible. Especially, if my doctrine is based on works, what I do, or self-performance.

Now, after studying what proseuchomai means I having a better understanding. I am realizing I pray all the time. Sounds like ‘praying without ceasing.’

Psalms 1:2 says, “But his delight [is] in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.”

The Hebrew root definition of meditate is,

Ponder: A murmuring or soft speech while in a continual contemplation over something.

One definition of murmur that I found is “a low, continuous sound, as of a brook, the wind, or trees, or of low, indistinct voices.”

So, to me, verbal or mental murmuring is a continuous flow of consciousness and awareness.

The continuous spiritual consciousness and communication is motivated by grace.

In my humble opinion and experience thus far, this spiritual awakening, consciousness or awareness is likely due to a purged conscience which the blood of bulls and goats was not able to purify, Heb. 10:4.

Paul speaks of Christ’s flesh now being the veil to the Holiest of Holies, the presence of God. In His presence, I am aware He is.

This lines up with what Paul said in Gal. 1:12, “For I neither received it (the Gospel) of man, neither was I taught [it], but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.”

Walking and living by the revelation of Christ is an ever-constant flow of consciousness and awareness of Christ by grace.

Paul mentions “prayer and supplication in the Spirit” in Eph. 6:18 and Phil. 4:6.

Prayer is mentioned first. It seems internal and constant.

Supplication is mentioned second. It seems to be a verbalization of prayer.

So, if I am to present my supplication then am I in prayer or “a continuous flow of consciousness and awareness of Christ” ?

Otherwise, supplication is only words. Prayer seems to be the state in which I am by faith through grace. My supplications are presented without doubt, second guessing, or fear because supplication seems to hinge on prayer, or a state in which I am by faith through grace.

This gives a whole new meaning to 1 Cor. 2:16, “But we have the mind of Christ.”

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