Power of Sin

Felt let again to read Romans 6 and I got to…

Romans 6:12

“Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts.”

Seeing it in a different light a little.

Here’s my paraphrase aligning with the word and Paul’s doctrine.

“Therefore, (command) do not allow the law to empower sin in your members even to the point of listening to its desires and lusts. The law is the power of sin. We partake in His death in which the law has no power over. The law cannot judge a dead person and is not able to.”

So, my next question is how do I not allow the law to empower sin in me? I am powerless apart from Christ. Well, the Bible says greater is He who is in me that he who is in the world. I live His life. He lives His life through me know. The fellowship of the mystery.

This God-Man, The King of Kings, Christ Jesus,  in me is ALIVE to GOD! He IS the WORD in the flesh. I have an opportunity everyday to partake of His divine nature according to the Apostle Peter. So, there is a revelation of the powerlessness of the law over me in Christ. Yes. My conscience is purged from dead works. Works performed by my self-strength and flesh are DEAD, but Rom. 8:3-4 says He came in the likeness of sinful flesh and did what my flesh was unable to do through the law. He penalized sin in His flesh. He fulfilled ALL of the law in His flesh. He died ONCE. No more penalty because he condemned sin Himself in Himself and perfect love casts out fear AND torment. Torment of the penalty of the law and the inability apart from Christ to ever fulfill it.

Hmmm…So, no more penalty? Therefore NOW, no condemnation in Christ Jesus. Ok, so the law is dis-empowered. The handwritten ordinances against and contrary to us have been disintegrated in Christ. Therefore, how can my conscience IN CHRIST have knowledge of the power of the law if Christ’s power is omnipotent? If my conscience is seared by the legalism of law or defiled then opportunity to empower the law is potential, but if my conscience is not aware of the judgment of the law then is it aware of what it is judging? A-ha, now I’m getting somewhere.

Sin cannot be empowered if I am not aware of it. A dead man is not aware of condemnation. Glory! The law is no longer bringing back the knowledge of sin. Why? My question is how could it if Christ’s blood is more than the blood of the Old Testament goats and bulls? Is this the secret place of the Most High? Or a vicinity in the Spirit? Or is it just being spiritual like Paul ascribes to? A lot of questions and God is more good than anything I could ever comprehend unless He revealed it in me.

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