Did Peter’s shadow heal people?

This is referring to Acts 5:15 (NIV), “As a result, people brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and mats so that at least Peter’s shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by.

NKJV says, “that at least the shadow of Peter passing by might fall on some of them.”

NLT says, “so that Peter’s shadow might fall across some of them as he went by.”

None of these or other translations say Peter’s shadow actually healed the people whom his shadow fell on. Is it possible? Mark 9:23.

Acts 5:11 says great great fear came on the church after Ananias and Sapphira dropped dead as a door nail after lying to the Holy Spirit. This too is still possible. God does not change nor does His power. In verse 12, it says signs and wonders occurred through the hands of the apostles. So, the Church was growing and moving in explosive, life changing power.

I believe the fear that came upon the church in verse 11 was not necessarily godly fear, but possibly a mix with the fear of man. This fear of man lead to idolatry or soulishness. Remember, the apostles were spiritually young Messianic Jews still growing in grace and knowledge of Christ. They had just recently received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Even Jesus grew, Luke 2:52 (NIV). So, the church under a new covenant was in it’s early developmental stages.

Back to Peter. Why did Paul have to publicly oppose Peter to his face? Gal. 2:11. Why did Peter not understand the vision of the of the vessel of different types of animals for food? Acts 10:17. Why did Jesus ask Peter three times if he loved Him? John 21:17. All of these situations reflected Peter’s spiritual growth at one point in his walk.

Paul addresses this carnal favoritism in 1 Cor. 1:12, 3:4. Partiality creates divisions and strife in churches. According to dictionary.com, partiality is also prejudice. I believe partiality or prejudice is carnal and could be a type of ‘law keeping’ to one’s self, or self-justification or self-righteousness. This ‘law keeping’ of partiality is based on insecurity, ignorance and fear. God’s truth and perfect love casts out fear. Truth gives liberty or sets free. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.

Another note, is that Peter was the apostle to the Jews not the Gentiles. This is significant. Jews grew up under the old covenant and Mosaic Law their whole life. Gentiles did not. Gentiles are the ‘wild olive shoot’, Rom. 11:17.

Now, in Christ, there is no longer Jew or Gentile, but a new creation. A New Man who was created from two. This New Man, baptized by the Spirit of the Living God, lives in the believer now by daily bread of revelation.

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