His perfect will does not possess fear

Played foosball today, 07/22/2009. I was a little concerned about being skunked. Then this thought came to mind, “You can’t will to win with fear.”

“His willingness does not abide with fear of failure or judgment.”

His will just IS. He does not second guess Himself because He already knows.

Fear based on self-imposed law impedes His perfect will. It impedes or hinders because it empowers the old nature which is not walking or living in the Spirit. The just shall live by His faith in them.

His perfect will does not possess fear.

His will is perfect and not whimsical.

If I “try” to be willing then this is a self-strength based will. Revelation of Him based on hearing the word imparts understanding and knowledge of His will. This knowledge is without lack. His nature is fullness. In His righteous nature, there is no fear of not being righteous because He is. He is the I am that I am. In His fullness, His willingness is complete and without hesitation based on supernatural godly love. He is love. He is perfect love that casts out fear and torment.

When He said, “Let there be light.” He did not hesitate or doubt what He said. It is impossible for God to doubt Himself or His own will. This will is in us by revelation of God’s only Son!

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