Peptides are miniscule pieces of protein

QUOTE: “Peptides are miniscule pieces of protein. Protein comes from the Greek word ‘proteios’, meaning primary. Proteins are the first material of life as we know it.”

QUOTE: “They are neuronal signaling molecules…”

My response:
So, how are these neuropeptides created? A neuropeptide seems to require energy to be created. Perhaps the energy comes from my inner man. This energy employs the body’s creation of neuropeptides? Seems to sound right.
So, my neuropeptides are created by my will. I see these little pieces of protein being created little by little from every thought. If I grow in patience, or thoughts without fear (Aramaic definition), by grace and revelation of Christ, then this should give something to my body versus taking something from my body because fear has lack. This is making me whole.

If my will is not not to love myself or love myself based on my limited understanding, or presumption of love then I am not willingly loving myself. I think I am loving myself based on vain or empty thoughts. Thoughts without fear are not empty thoughts.

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