
I was thinking yesterday, “Why do people want revenge or payback?” The Lord answered, “Because they have not forgiven the one(s) who offended them. They are trying to fill the need with revenge.” There is a tendency towards revenge if the we are not aware of the Lord’s forgiveness towards us.

Matthew 5:40 (NIV), “And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.”

If unforgiveness or bitterness is in my heart how in the world could I give someone my tunic or coat? I believe what Jesus was alluding to was that we are not able to forgive in our self-strength, but there will come a time (post-resurrection) when we will have a revelation of forgiveness and its power.

People must have thought He was crazy when He said these things. People still do. Even Christians.

If God’s nature was not righteous or love He would not have sent His beloved Son to die for us. God could have turned us into popcorn because of the things we did, but who is He that condemns, Rom. 8:34 (NIV) ? The only One that could have condemned us was God, but what was His will? What did He do?

He became a man. He became a curse for all sin ever in the universe, died for all sin, resurrected to be our life, and is now glorified in heaven at the right hand of the Father. We will be glorified as well because of Him. He gave His life for us. The Aramaic says He gave his soul in our stead.

His nature is to forgive because He is not in lack. All fullness dwells in Him. He throws our iniquities in to the “sea of forgetfulness”, Mic. 7:19.

How can I remember something or give it attention if it is in oblivion? If that is where my sin is then why is my brother holding something against me?

Jesus forgives. He changes the motive of our hearts by revelation and grace. He changes our personality, 2 Cor. 5:17. Rom. 12:19.

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