Where are Paul and Silas?

Acts 16:5, “So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and increased in number daily.”

I have been hearing in church that only ~5% of the youth today are receiving Christ. If the churches in Derbe and Lystra grew in faith, and increased in numbers daily then what is so different now?

In my opinion, the difference is Paul and Silas. Okay, but they are in glory with the Lord. Their body’s are in the ground awaiting resurrection. Correct, but is the office or function dead in which they were greatly used? Something is different. Also, other countries seem to have greater outpouring’s of the Spirit and gifts. What foundation are we building “Christianity” on in the west? Insomuch, that the youth are not drawn to it. The bible says that the Father draws all men to Him. What is happening? Are the offices or functions of Paul and Silas types dead? Are they really still even needed? Ask the youth.

If the body of Christ is not full stature then is Ephesians 4:11-16 still in accordance with the will of the Father? How will the body grow to FULL STATURE? Do we ignore these verses of the New Covenant in Ephesians? Are they relevant for 2008? Is Jesus really the same yesterday, today and forever?

Could it be the church is not partaking of the fullness of God and thus limiting its full growth potential? Where is the church mentioned in the book of Acts?

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