Paul in Ephesians 3

  • Eph. 3:2, “the dispensation of the grace of God which was given to me for you”
    • not for him (Paul)
  • Eph. 3:3, “how that by revelation He made known to me the mystery”
    • not because he was special, but he was and is to Christ
  • Eph. 3:4, “you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ”
    • the revelation of Christ IN him
  • Eph. 3:7, “I became a minister according to the gift of the grace of God given to me by the effective working of His power”
    • HIM doing it in Paul
  • Eph. 3:8, “To me, who am less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ”
    • Preach it brother Paul
  • Eph. 3:9, “and to make all see what [is] the fellowship of the mystery”
    • To reveal Christ in him to the Gentiles and world and to impart this grace to the Church that the Church might see the fellowship in itself
  • Eph. 3:10, “to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly [places]”
    • Reveal God’s manifold and infinite wisdom to the seen and unseen universe in Christ
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