
Today, 10/05/10, I was talking to a good friend of mine, Marcus. We were discussing form on bench press. He told me that he’s been lifting weights for quite a while and asked me about my form on bench press. What he said he discovered was that his form was not quite right. That he used more of his arm strength rather than isolating his chest muscles. Once he got the right form he felt the muscles in his chest do more work.

I believe the question is where is focus and perspective? If my doctrine is not sound or hygienic doctrine producing good spiritual health then the results or fruit will reflect that doctrine. I am reminded of a previous blog, Protuberance. A protuberance is an encumbrance, extra weight or burden. The guilt and judgment of the law on my heart is a protuberance. Paul says in 1 Thess. 3:13, “..so that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father..” In Christ, there no longer any charge reckoned to my account, Rom. 8:1.

If a charge is laid to my account there could be a tendency to overcompensate. I believe I overcompensate because of my perspective which is based on my understanding. Hebrews 11:3 says we have understanding by faith, “Through faith we understand..”

This faith reckons righteousness to our accounts in Him, Gal. 3:6. I believe the words coming forth from God through Christ by His Holy Spirit by grace. This belief effects my being and changes me if I believe, Eph. 1:19. His power manifests by grace and faith. If there is no power then what am I believing? What is my form? What am I overcompensating? Why am I overcompensating? Is God calling me to overcompensate in His rest, Heb. 4:9.

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