
If a brother or sister stumbles or even utterly falls they do not start over, but continue onward. As believers, I am of the opinion we can only go forward, Phil. 3:13, and NOT start over. Rom. 8:1 says, “There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.” Gal. 2:18 says, “If I rebuild what I destroyed, I prove that I am a lawbreaker.”

Rebuilding what I destroyed is ‘starting over.’ This is trying to hit the bulls-eye, but there isn’t one. His righteousness in us is not compelled to gain self-approval for peace. He is our peace, Eph. 2:14. If our nature is intrinsically righteous according to revelation and grace then we ARE. If we ARE then we don’t have to try to be or even try to sustain ourselves, but grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. He keeps us.

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