How is the ‘old man’ separated from us?

What separates the “old man” from the new man? Or rather who separates him?

The word says the old is gone, 2 Cor. 5:17. The old man is crucified with Christ at His death. We are drowned and immersed into Him at salvation. Paul says in Romans 7:24, “O wretched man (referring to past tense ‘old man’) that I am! who shall deliver (or separate) me from the body of this death?”

Jesus is the Deliverer, Jehovah Mephalti1, Psalms 18:2. How did and how does He deliver us from the old nature or man? He does so by purging our conscience from dead works and the knowledge of the judgment of self-imposed law.

By the way, if I am not aware that I am or have been separated from the old (man) then I may read Romans 7 from the perspective of the old man. Truth says He is our Deliverer. If this is true and it is then Romans 7 is not referring to us while we are new creations in Christ. Someone then may say, “What about Galatians?” I believe Romans is talking about what Christ has accomplished for us. I believe Galatians is talking about what the Galatians forgot Christ had done for them by believing someone else’s doctrine, Gal. 1:6. In doing so, they were entangled. Also, there is a reason Paul says, “works of the flesh are manifest” or “manifestations of the flesh” in Gal. 5:19. It is because of a purged conscience and the deliverance or separation from the body of this death.

Since the conscience or ‘chief witness’ is no longer aware of the judgment of the law then it has nothing to witness to. If it has nothing to witness to then there is no judgment or condemnation. This is the new way of the Spirit, Rom. 7:6.

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