
Col. 2:14, “Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;”

Paraphrase from the Greek:

Obliterating the handwritten “opinion or judgment” that was bonded and diffused into our actual nature. He took it out of the way (to the Father), nailing it to his cross in His flesh.

In doing so, He created one kainos (new) man, Eph. 2:15, and the Way. This Way is into Him and His Spirit. The kainos Way of the Spirit by revelation under the New Covenant. He separated us from this old nature at a spirit level that effects our d.n.a. and soul because the separation puts us into Him, the new (kainos) man. This kainos man pattern is who we really are in righteousness and truth. The separation is not based on us or what we can do, but solely on Him and His grace and power that He gives to us freely because He is love! And we are created in His image. His will is that the orignal pattern be established by His son in us by grace and revelation, Col. 3:10.

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