Is that obedience?

Today, 08/03/09, at the YMCA, I was shooting some basketball. There were basketballs all over the court. I finished shooting and was going to leave the basketball on the court with the other balls. It is amazing how the Lord can use the simplest things to unveil His will and truth. As I said, I finished shooting the ball and I perceived the Lord ask me, “Are you going to put the ball back on the ball rack?” I responded yes inside, but really just wanted to leave the ball there. I took the ball and put it on the ball rack.

Then the Lord ask me another question that blew me away, “Was that obedience?” I am reminded of two scriptures, Rom. 1:5 (NIV), Heb. 8:10, 10:8-10.

I thought to myself and laughed and said, “No, I don’t think it was. I did it because You said so.” Apparently, this may not be the obedience of Rom. 1:5. I did not want to put the basketball in the rack. The obedience of Rom. 1:5 is according to faith and grace and enables His willingness. This willingness would not have hesitated to put the ball back. I no this is small, but I believe is significant. It is significant in life, marriage, work, parenting and so on. Galatians 4 talks about two sons. One is under the law and the other is under the New Covenant and grace. The grown or maturing son is under grace. The child under the schoolmaster, tutors and guardians must be told what to do and looked after until faith is revealed by Christ.

Ephesians 4:13 talks about “the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” The church will not be the Church or His Body until faith is revealed by grace unto obedience by grace and not ‘churchiness’ or dead works.

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