No Amdro Needed

Amdro is an insecticide. I was thinking the other day about Adam and Eve (really Hebrew feminine form of Adam, the name Eve is post-fall) prior to the Fall. They were both in their birthday suits. I was thinking, “When they went to sleep did the ants or insects bite them?” My opinion is no the insects did not harm them whatsoever. Prior to the fall there was complete order in the earth. Man dwelled in God’s presence, walked with Him and had fellowship with Him. Creation did not possess fear in itself because fear had not entered into creation through the knowledge of good and evil. Perfect love casteth out fear. Prior to the Fall Adam and Eve did not know what sin was or missing the mark. Again, they had not yet received the knowledge of good and evil. How then would they know the difference? Previous to disobeying the Lord’s command their consciences were pure and not defiled. That most definitely will be another blog.

There is a prophecy that says, “The lion will lay with the lamb.” If Jesus is our Redeemer and has reconciled all things to Himself then creation is “bought back” by Him and placed back in it’s original purpose with His redemptive power. In other words, the lion laid with the lamb prior to the Fall and will again after the Church becomes the Church Christ died for and not another aesthetically pleasing, non-gift operating denomination.

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