Ni Fan into flame


I’ve been discovering others like me as of late. Let’s call them “Intuitives”. I’ve noticed if they are a believer, especially Spirit-filled, and I share rhema something happens. I should have already known this, but the word does not return void, but it is almost exponential with another Ni. It is so powerful and beautiful. Glory. His presence shows up. The gifts begin to stir. Whew! I’m getting pumped writing this!

Fanning into flame sounds like when rhema occurs more rhema or additional rhema can create more rhema fanning into flame more rhema! Perpetual. This typifies1 the dunamis power of Acts 1:8. Dunamis is a dynamo-like power. Oh man, such good word here.

Fanning into flame is also doing and acting in faith also. It is epignosis in action.

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