Newness is always now

Quote from Fission of the Word in us,

“The newness1 of the word is in present pluperfect tense. It is always NOW in us.”

He was and is and is to come. How? He is the Most High. Something or someone that is not time-dependent is really always NOW. It has to be. What else would it be? So, the fruit we are bearing and His nature are the fruit of the Spirit. The Spirit is His Spirit. His Spirit is not time-based either. This is newness of life. Christ is our life. He said, “I am the way, truth and the life.” He is newness of life in us. The Father sent His son into our hearts crying as adult children, “Abba, Father.”

I recall a while back I was I praying in the Spirit and the thought dawned upon me, “I am praying outside of time.” How is that possible? It is His Spirit in the believer. He and His Spirit exists outside of this creation and cosmos in eternity. Now, His Spirit was sent to our hearts. This also lines up with “now”. Now, is always now. Present pluperfect tense. It seems “now” is always new. The word says the Last Adam, Christ, is a quickening Spirit.” Our spirit man is quickened with zoe, godly, eternal life. Our soul person partakes of His life and is quickened and sanctified. Our flesh is effected by the quickened soul.

So, what is the takeaway? The practical application. I believe “now” does not hinge on me. What I do or perform will manifest in time. Therefore, my works cannot be “now”. They are dead works. Good works last. His righteousness endures forever. We are partakers and inheritors of the Divine nature. “Now” effects my motive and willingness in the deepest part of my being pulling me away from works motivated unto death that cannot bring fulfillment. Only His faith in me can fulfill and establish all the law. This faith, hope and love are also “now” in Him in the believer by grace and revelation of hearing and hearing His word.

“Now” cannot worry about yesterday or tomorrow because it is now. Truth is now and reality.

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