Moved with compassion

I am reminded of these verses.

I remember when I was 18 or 19 years old and it was after church service and I was overwhelmed with compassion for a teenage boy who had down syndrome. We had already been friends, but for some reason my heart was filled with this love towards him for him to be whole. My heart was directed towards his years of hurt from people judging and misunderstanding him. He did not choose to be born with down syndrome. It was not his fault. I think this compassion was supernatural. I went to him and we talked. I hugged him and cried. He looked at me and smiled. I told him, “I know who you are. This is not you.” All of a sudden, his face transformed to what we call normal. I said, “Yes, that is you!” He was alarmed and his face reverted back to the down syndrome appearance. I was very young in the Lord, but now I see that when His supernaturual compassion comes it changes worlds and lives.

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