Love goes through walls

Ephesians 2:14 talks about a middle wall being broken up, destroyed, demolished and even dissolved. What is this middle wall between the Jew and Gentile? It was the judgment, guilt and penalty of the Mosaic Law and even the law written on the Gentile hearts!

Luke 24:36 says Jesus appeared in the midst of the disciples and they thought He was a spirit. I believe this is the scripture where people derive the story of Jesus’s resurrected flesh walking through walls.

A while back, I wrote The Fringe – “Safe” Episode. In this episode, the characters theoretically (by quantum mechanics) are able to walk through a sold steel, vaulted safe.

I also am reminded of mid-evil times of castles and knights. The design of castles was to keep intruders and the enemy outside. The moat and castle walls were there for protection. Comparatively, fear creates walls. These walls do not exist in Love. Love is not aware of these walls. Christ is the crucified Lamb before the foundations of the earth. Love was before the law. Love fulfills and establishes the all the law.

Walls cannot exist in Love. They are destroyed, abolished and dissolved. Walls separate, but Christ is our peace. The Greek word for peace means to join together. The Hebrew word shalom is even more. Shalom means to make whole without any lack, but in the God kind of way. My definition is lacking to what it really is. It is more than that. Perfect loves drives and casts away fear and torment. The knowledge of perfect love comes by revelation of Christ by hearing the word. When perfection comes the little or imperfect is nullified or disappears, 1 Cor. 13:10.

So, ask yourself next time you perceive some type of wall, “Can His love go through this wall?” Or “Is this wall really here?” “Why do I perceive it is there?” “Why does it seem so real?” What if there is no wall? Isn’t that what Eph. 2:14 says?

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