His love shed abroad versus liquid shame

Romans 5:5, “And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.”

Ashamed: καταισχύνω kata + ischynō

– The prefix or preposition kata- means diffusion or osmotic. So, ashamed could mean a diffused, intrinsic attribute and characteristic of the old man or nature. The Greek word, aischynō, means to “suffuse (or pour over like a liquid) with shame”

Shed Abroad: ἐκχέω ekcheō

God’s agapeo supernatural love is infinitely, continually, exponentially, surges out.

I believe what Paul is saying is that the New Man, Christ in us, is apprehending us by grace and revelation of Him in us, according to the co-mingling of the Holy Spirit in us. In the communion, fellowship, and bond of the Holy Spirit with our spirit His love, righteousness, holiness, power and nature is overwhelming insomuch that the old man is obliterated and made obsolete. We love because He first loved us. We love if we know Him. Perfect love casts out fear and continual torment. Perfect love casts out shame. Perfect constantly surges or gushes out from God because ALL FULLNESS is in Him. He has no lack.

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