More light more visibility

The more light in me, revelation, truth, grace, the more clarity and visibility around me. Others who are dark I am able to see clearer. Such as motive, emotions, sickness, death. Truth separates from things that are not truth. Things that encounter the light are exposed. If I flash a flashlight at night and something or someone walks in front if it the light exposes it.

Perhaps this is why Paul says, “Where are not unaware of the enemy’s schemes.” I believe a huge part of the enemy’s strategy is to constantly stimulate self-imposed law. How? Thoughts. Revelation apprehends and passively arrests us. If we know something that is undeniably real and true. The truth of what we know affects us. That is what truth does. It aligns everything with it. Truth does not even hinge on time.

By possessing revelatory knowledge of a purged conscience by the blood of Christ these ‘thoughts’ thrown our way become less and less powerful. Self-imposed law based thoughts are works-based, self-strength based, self-condemnation based, and the like. A conscience that is purged nullifies the little. That is what the Aramaic translates into in Corinthians. Something nullified is obsolete and annulled. So, the old man-based or self-based thoughts thrown our way are nullified in Christ? Isn’t that what Paul says in Gal. 2:20, 2 Cor. 5:17?

I remember the Lord told me once, “My forgiveness is greater than your unforgiveness towards yourself.” Even if I am not forgiving myself for whatever this is not even necessary. Repentance is something else. Repentance is and “after thought” with lasting affects on one’s life that do not change or go away. Repentance is real. Whimsical forgiveness based on me failing self-expectations has no value to us being in Christ. This is also what Paul talks about in Phil. 3, “Not having a righteousness

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