Lifespan of a thought

I was reading a old blog, And now, a verse comes to mind, Rom. 8:6, “For to be carnally minded [is] death; but to be spiritually minded [is] life and peace.”

He is peace. He is our peace. He dwells in us by His faith and grace according to revelation by hearing and hearing the word of truth. Ok… What I saw was when a variant of a vain imagination crosses my physical, fleshly mind that thought will dissipate and through my experience it does. I recall when I have so many times used my liberty as an occasion to the flesh. Everything got old. My thoughts were futile. No purpose. My life had no purpose except to not live, but die, 1 John 3:14.

Essentially, non-rhema thoughts have no power. They are futile and empty. Otherwise, they would truly change my life and I would be God. When quickened word and truth is revealed is comes from eternity. He is Life and Peace. He is in eternity. So, eternity is deposited into my being through the witness of the Holy Spirit to my inner man.

So, when I think a thought or have a vain imagination (fill in the blank), these thoughts have a life span. They are almost not real. Whoa. If they were they would have a real impact. What I mean is a life-changing radical impact unto godliness. That is real change. That is life. If death were real then He should not have resurrected, but that was and is not possible. Paul said we carry around this treasure in jars of clay. He speaks of the unsearchable (untraceable) riches of God. If something is in eternity or its origin is from eternity then how in the world came my little brain search it out to the fullest? There is no end. This is what is deposited into me by His Holy Spirit, Word and grace. Man, God is all-knowing. Duh.

So, why would the above be relevant? It says greater is He in me than he who is in the world. It provides invisible hope manifested in life unto His glory. He is worthy to be praised. So, it seems (my opinion) that the thoughts that go through my mind come from the prince of power of the air, my fleshly mind, my old man, my renewed man and the Spirit of the living God.

This gives a litmus test and expectation to quench the fiery darts of the evil one. It also provides clarity on what is true. The still small voice according to the word of truth.

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