Lifeline cut off

What happens if my lifeline is cut off? Simple, I die. Today, I read Hebrews 3:12 in the Aramaic and it says, “So heed, my brothers, lest there be in human of you an evil heart of not trusting (or no faith) parting from the living God…”

In the Hebrew language or mind, when God said something was “good” or “evil” it meant the thing was either functional or dysfunctional. It worked as designed or did not. In the Greek, the root word for “evil” in “evil heart” means poor, great trouble or even pain. Poor means, “to toil for daily subsistence.” The Lord said, “Give us this day our daily bread.” I am not giving myself daily bread He is.

“Poor” here in the context of Hebrews is in reference to not entering God’s rest or sabbath. If my heart is toiling for daily substistence then this is dysfunctional. This reminds me of the curse of the law which our Lord has redeemed us from. Thank you Lord!

Proverbs 4:23 speaks of keeping or protecting your heart because out of it come the issues of life. If the spirit of my mind is not renewed or regenerated by the power of the Holy Spirit according to the primer of the word of truth then my mind is hostile and enmity towards God. This mind is carnal, fleshly or non-spiritual. This mind is death.

If my mind is renewed according to the revelation of Christ this ministers grace, truth, and life to my triune being. It changes me from glory to glory. My heart is protected by Him and His peace. He is our peace. This truth and light of His peace guards my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. My heart, motivation and will changes because of this truth. The change is towards functionality, or wholeness with purpose and rest.

This change is the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. Christ is our sanctification. This sanctification is by grace unto righteousness unto holiness and glory.

My heart believes because the truth and light of Christ has been revealed. I did not suppose this knowledge or make it up, but it was revealed, unvieled, and opened up to me. It is not from me, but is me. Our true identity is hid in Him. There is rest, hope and great assurance in this spiritual substance. Faith is the “substance” of things hoped for.

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