A life guided by futility

Rom. 1:21, “21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile (without purpose) in their thoughts, and their foolish (the fool says ‘no’ to God) hearts were darkened (shadowed by the judgment and guilt of self-imposed law).”

The lives of those who suppress the truth through ungodliness and unrighteousness are steered by intrinsic self-imposed into futility. Their thoughts are empty, vain and without purpose. The substance is in Christ, The Hope of Glory!

Excerpt from Do you really want to?

“I believe “substance of will” is sincere, real and true motive. It is substance. It is immortal, eternal, ever-motivating substance because of fullness and no lack whatsoever. In Him, is all fullness of the Godhead bodily. This substance deposits by diffusion into my spirit by the Holy Spirit by grace through faith of hearing the word of truth in its fullness. This revelation changes my life. Thank you Lord.”

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