“Lie to me”

Just saw a very interesting show tonight called “Lie to me” and a thought came to mind, “Our bodies are not purposed to keep or hold things that are not true even if the things are subjective in the mind, heart and soul such as lies.”

In the show, the main actor, Dr. Kal Lightman, observes and discerns whether or not people are lying based on body language. Their tongues would lie, but their bodies were unable to contain the untruth. The untruth would manifest itself it some way either in the face, gesture, tone of voice, choice of words, or body. My wife brought up a good point. Some people can lie and pass lie detectors. They are pathological liars. I believe these individuals are either possessed or oppressed by the enemy who is the father of lies. There is no regard for authority, love, or truth in their hearts or minds. They are reprobate1.

Didn’t plan on it, but this blog builds on Residence.

In Christ, if our bodies are the temple and dwelling of the Spirit of Truth then the things which are not true or real cannot live or dwell there such as lies, deceit, bitterness, disease, death, malice and so on.

All of the aforementioned manifestations of the flesh and curse have a common denominator, fear. Perfect love casts out fear. When perfection comes the little becomes nullified2.

This perfect love is revealed in Christ. Love is not able to deceive, lie, hold grudges, impart or desire disease for someone, or be malicious. It is not fearful in itself and therefore is not compelled to emote itself out of fear. Love emotes itself out of its fullness. There is no fear or lack in love.

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