
On 01/08/09, Brother Leroy was on “Believers Voice of Victory” with  Kenneth Copeland. He mentioned a ‘spirit of suicide’ while talking on the broadcast. This reminded me of the meaning of Jezebel.

The name Jezebel combines the prefix “NOT”,

And “to cohabit or be intimate with.”

So, Jezebel means “unable to cohabit with“, “unable to be intimate or have sexual intercourse with.”

If this is true then generally speaking I’d be alone. I’ve noticed a correlation of sorts possibly with witchcraft. I see people sometimes and am almost certain witchcraft is in their midst or life. The prophet Samuel said, “Stubbornness is as idolatry and witchcraft is as rebellion.” The “my way or highway” mentality seems like anarchy, but rebellion seems to create isolation from God. If I am rebelling against God like Jezebel notoriously showed in the Old Testament then I am not only counting solely on myself, but standing against God and approving even encouraging anyone else who does. I am cutting myself off from Life, Love, true purpose and identity. I am killing myself and the image I was created in. This is suicide. This suicide is either willfully ignorant or willful suicide. I believe God is allowing this because of grace. In this case, He gives us over to a reprobate mind, Rom. 1:28. This grace the allows this came through Jesus, John 1:16-17.

Is it God’s will for us to commit suicide spiritually or physically? NO, God forbid. That is a lie from the pit of hell.

Love is unconditional. Love does not impose itself, but reveals itself. In this revealing, we have a choice of free-will. I did not marry my wife because she forced me to. I married her wholeheartedly and willingly because I love her. Otherwise, the marriage has no authenticity. It only looks like marriage. We are not God’s automatons, but His righteous offspring in Christ by the Spirit of adoption. This is His will for us.

His will is also John 10:10.

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