When does the law judge?

When does the law or even self-imposed law judge someone?

  • When you realize you are under it and its judgment.
  • It judges sin that manifested in the flesh to those who walk according to the flesh.
    • So, it can only judge something that has occurred in the course of time.

This blog builds on The law cannot judge something that is always Now and Back in the day.

In 2 Peter 3:8, Peter said God does not exist in time, but outside of it.

The perfect present tense of the faith of Christ is in me, Gal. 2:20. This faith is Now, Heb. 11:1. Now is perfect present tense. Now is not something that has already occurred in time. It is always Now. The faith of Christ dwells in me Now or in perfect present tense always. I could say faith dwells in me all the time and it exist Now all the time in me. Now does not exist the past or future, but Now. Faith exists Now in this creation or time in the believer.

The law seems to only be able to judge something that creates time. The acts of the flesh and sin create death. It is not against the law to bear Godly fruit, Gal. 5:23. If sin creates death and time then what does bearing fruit create? Eternal life, Romans 5:21. Bearing righteous fruit unto eternal life does not create time, but supernatural life everlasting in this creation even. If I love someone or bear peace or joy with them I am manifesting His life. I am manifesting His life by His faith through grace. Eternal life emanates from Him and His nature. Bearing His fruit is bearing His nature.

Death and time do not and cannot exist in the nature of the Father or His son.

This fear that manifested as man went and hid in the bushes and sewed fig leaves to cover his shame also created time. One generic definition of time could be the measurement of death and corruption.

Ungodly fear seems to create time. Ungodly fear seems to occur when I am made aware of the judgment or penalty of the law. Ungodly fear separates me from God and His love for me. Godly fear reconciles me by His Son.

There is a fear that exists that is non-legalistic that imparts life, Heb. 12:28. It is reverential fear and awe of who He is. In the bible, there are many occurrences of the phrase, “Fear not.” These “fear not” situations occurred sometimes when angels appeared to men and women and even after Christ’s resurrection in the tomb. Angels are in the presence of the Father and Christ. When they appear here on earth they bring with them the knowledge and effect of being in His presence in eternity. The men and women in these angelic visitations become cognizant of God through these messengers. The effect is some type of fear. The angel usually says, “Fear not” though. I believe the fear these men and women have experienced is a fear of the unknown or fear of something that they are unfamiliar with.

Romans 8:15 and 2 Timothy 1:7 indicate we do not have a spirit of fear.

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