
Heb. 10:2, “For then would they (sacrifices and offerings for sin) not have ceased to be offered? because that the worshipers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins.”

The word conscience here in the Greek means either “a knowing with” or “co-knowledge.

So, in the above verse what would I no longer have a “co-knowledge” with?

Romans 3:20 (NIV) says, “Through the law we become conscious (or have the knowledge) of sin.”

In Romans 5:13, it says, “Sin is not imputed when there is no law.”

It sounds like the co-knowledge is with the law. The law makes or made me aware of what missing the mark was or sin. The mark that the law made me aware of is no longer there because in Christ, by His sacrifice, I no longer have knowledge of the mark. Therefore, I no longer have co-knowledge because the co-knowledge was based on the knowledge of the mark. What is the mark? Sin means, “to miss the mark.” The mark could be a reminder of how far we fall from glory. It could be the goal of attaining the full stature of the body of Christ. The mark could be what I thought I was supposed to do or be spiritually.

According to Heb. 10:2, the co-knowledge of sin or missing the mark is no more.

So, what knowledge do I have now? The writer of Hebrews continues to write on in Hebrews 11:1. “Now, faith is…” Now, I have His faith in me. This faith in me comes by hearing and hearing His word. It is the revelation of Christ in me. We have understanding by faith. This understanding turns into revelatory, life-changing knowledge.

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