In you. Not you.

Gal. 3:8-9,
“And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand, saying,  “IN YOU all the nations shall be blessed.” So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham.”

It says, “IN YOU” or in Abram not Abram, but in him will all nations be blessed. What was in Abraham? Faith. How? After God spoke to him. God’s quickenend Word creates faith. This faith makes our nature, essence and every part of who we are like God our Father through His Son Jesus. Christ is the Word. When God speaks His word to us and we hear His word it manifests its nature and power by grace. Part of this manifestation in us is righteousness. I am a new creation in Christ by grace because of His faith IN ME. His faith in me is there by His quickened and spoken word in me. His word is turning me and my flesh in to Word. The Word became flesh. Now, the flesh becomes Word by revelation of the Word. Truth aligns all things with itself. If something is not true it cannot last and may not be real. A lie is not real. Death is not real. Unforgiveness is not real. Love, hope and faith are real. They remain. They continue in the life to come.

This same IN YOU that was in Abram is now in me and you if you believe in Christ and hear His quickened word.

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