Seizure part 3 – Imprint

Sometimes you know something intellectually and then sometimes the simplicity of what you know dawns on you like you’ve never seen it before. I think this says a lot. My intellectualism versus practicality only goes so far. Especially as a dad. At this point in my life, I am finally coming to a true realization and conviction that my sons will do what I do.

A month or two ago, I was walking with my sons out of H.E.B. Groceries. As I walked across they closely followed my path right across the street. Then as I watched them walking across the street the simple and profound truth of impression by revelation came to mind. The thought came to mind that, “If I lay out in the middle of the street so will they.” Of course, I am not going to do that, but kids do crazy things sometimes and I wonder why. Perhaps this is typified in the church. Believers act, do, talk and live the way they do because the doctrine of their salvation that has been imprinted on them. In a doctrine of works or even grace mixed with works the manifestations of the flesh, Gal. 5:19-21, are common and prevalent.

There is a Greek word for the English word pattern called ‘tupos.’

(tupos from túpto = strike, smite with repeated strokes) literally refers to a visible mark or impression made by a stroke or blow from an instrument or object. What is left after the stroke or blow is called a print, a figure or an impression. John 20:25 speaking of the imprint of the nails on Jesus’s hands that Thomas desired to see.

So, a pattern created by striking is imprinting. Another example could be walking on the beach and the footstep patterns left behind. These footsteps are a tupos of my feet. Here is an example of die casting.

Children naturally mimic either good/bad habits of their parents by Design. Adam was the first tupos of man. Christ is the last tupos of man, Rom. 5:14. The book of Acts is a tupos of the Church. I believe Paul is a tupos of Christ the servant, apostle, prophet, evangelist, teacher and pastor in the individual called to any of these functions in the body of Christ. The way things were done in Acts in the church are patterns and examples for the modern day church to adhere, learn from and follow because it is still the same church it was 2000 years ago, only a little older. It is the same church if Christ has not changed, Heb. 13:8. Or is it?

By faith and grace, the consciousness of Christ permanently resides or dwells in me through hearing the revelation of His word. Growing in this knowledge and grace I become the pattern according to the last Adam, Col. 3:10.

This passive diffusion of His consciousness becomes me and I become it creating a spiritual template that manifests itself as a man, husband, father, son, uncle, employee, citizen, etc. by godly love through faith.

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