Imparted Himself

Gen. 2:7, “And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”

God breathed, or rather imparted Himself spiritually into the man. God does not breathe. He is spirit. He is the Father of our spirits, Heb. 12:9. God and man are spirit. God speaks by spirit to our hearts, John 6:63, John 12:49. Now, He speaks through His Son, Heb. 1:2. The Son speaks what He hears from the Father to our hearts. Christ is the Word. The Word became flesh. I receive revelation and or quickened Word by spiritually hearing first and hearing His word in me according to primer of the word or bible.

Prior to salvation, sin separated me from His Life which is life and my spirit and soul were dead, Eph. 2:1, Col. 2:13, Rom. 8:6, but the word of God, the Son of God, is able to distinct both soul and spirit, Heb. 4:12.

In and at salvation, Jesus reveals to me He is. My spirit man was rebirthed. I was begotten again from above, or born again. My spirit man was rebirthed because it was already birthed. When was it already birthed? I am reminded of John 1:1, Eph. 1:4-5. If my identity is hid in Christ, Col. 3:3, then I have always been who I am in Him.

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