Huh, what did you say?

I’ve noticed things happen in my walk sometimes that I may take for granted and would be beneficial if I’d share the experience. So, I am.

  • I prayed a few days ago for the Lord to bring those who He desires into my walk to show them this site.
  • I’ve been having some challenges with my vehicle lately and prayed about that as well. I prayed, “I don’t know how, but I pray Lord that you help me or bring someone to me who can help me with my vehicle. Thank you Lord. Amen.”

Today, after service I ran into two brothers whom I gave a business card to for Pushing Peanuts. Not to supernatural there, but cool for me because I’ve been wanting to spread the awareness of this blog site.

Afterwards, for lunch, I went to H.E.B. and ran into a sister from a home group my wife and I attend. I’ve not seen this sister at H.E.B. prior to this, but happen to run into her. Gave her a business card.

Later, in the afternoon, I acquired some nice suite tickets from my company to attend a Round Rock Express baseball game. My sons were getting bored so I took them to the playground within the stadium. On the way over I run into another brother from the same home group the other sister was from. Gave him a business card.

Next, I take the boys to the playground. They play there and then we go to the batting tees. I go and purchase to tickets for the batting tees and on a mother tells the ticket attendant she lost her child and needs help finding him. Ironically, the last time we were at this stadium the same thing happened. We prayed that child be found. They had a search party looking for that child. I am believing the best that the child (from the last instance) was located.

This time around, after I heard this mother in need I immediately prayed again that the Lord bring this mother’s child back to her. I thanked Him and walked away to the batting tees with my sons. They hit the baseballs and we left. On the way out, I see the same mother holding her son who is in tears. Now that is pretty awesome.

That is the kind of God I serve. One that I can instantly pray to and miracles happen. Loosing a child in a stadium of thousands of people is serious stuff. I would not have wanted to be in her shoes. I am so glad to have the Lord to call in the good times and times of need. I can’t imagine not knowing Him.

Lastly, we go to T.G.I.F.’s for dinner. We meet a man and his wife who we saw the day before at our mutual friend’s son one year old birthday party. Just so happen to see him at this restaurant.  Well, he is a mechanic on the side and has the exact tool that could be used to diagnose and/or fix my vehicle. Point is he is a mechanic who I didn’t know was a mechanic yesterday. I didn’t know he was going to be at the restaurant, but I knew God would answer my prayer and He did.

Isaiah 59:1, ” Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear.”

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