How to make a zombie.

No picture needed here. This blog should build on Kicking a dead horse or interrelate.

Here is one definition of zombie: the body of a dead person given the semblance of life, but mute and will-less, by a supernatural force, usually for some evil purpose.

Here is another: one who looks or behaves like an automaton.

Both are applicable. So, where’s your Word reference brother? Here it is.

Rom. 7:8-9, “But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin [was] dead. For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died.” In the previous verse 6, Paul says we are now delivered from the law. In verse 4, he says we have become dead to the law. In 7:1, he is talking to the brethren that know the Mosaic Law. He says according to the Law, a wife is loosed from the marriage if her husband is dead.

Question. What did Jesus do? He became sin and a curse for the penalty and punishment of ALL of the law for us. He nailed this penalty to the cross in His flesh. He abolished it. He nullified the power of the Law over us forever! My faith in who He is and what He has done now makes me righteous. This righteousness is actually His righteousness. Read Rom. 3:22 in different translations. By Christ being crucified on the cross, a New Covenant is created in One New Man. Ephesians 2, Hebrews, Colossians, Galatians, and other Pauline epistles show this. Starting to go on another tangent, but a good one.

Back to making a zombie.
I will give the example of “Wet paint. Do not touch.” Let’s say hypothetically the Old Covenant says, “Wet paint. Do not touch.” Apart from Christ what happens? The rule creates this desire to touch it even though it is wet. Why? The old nature does not have the power to not touch it. Your reply is, “Well, I’m okay because I don’t touch wet paint.” Fill in the blank with the area in your life that eats your lunch all the time. The area that judges you, condemns you and you succumb to. The one that the self-help books make so much money on. Yeah, that one. So, I’m perfect. Wrong, I live in this flesh, but am learning to not use my liberty as an occasion to the flesh. I am not walking on egg shells either. Been there done that. Got the t-shirt. This is what I am alluding to. Apart from Christ, when I desperately try not to do what I don’t want to do, sin will become alive through this self-imposed law/rule I put on myself that Jesus nailed to the cross. This is called self-righteousness or self-justification. It is what Adam and Eve did when they covered themselves with the fig leaves. Adam thinking to himself, “Well, now I’m ok. I’ve got the fig leaf covering my shame.” He doesn’t see (but he does.) God, of course sees it and others may see it too. This is also called Uzzah or self-strength. Read 2 Sam. 6, Uzzah, who was not a Levite, tried grabbing the ark of the covenant because the oxen who were holding it slipped. Uzzah was struck dead by God. Uzzah disobeyed the Old Covenant law. Whenever the believer moves in self-strength he/she will die! This ties into the other blog aforementioned.

Potentially, moving in self-strength creates witchcraft. Whoa brother, now you’ve gone too far. I’d say not far enough. Read about Saul and the witch of Endor. What did they do? Uh huh. So, the next question is as a Christian what do I do? Read “Be a tree.” Here is another heretical answer, “Do nothing.” What?! “Do nothing.” You will notice that the flesh needs to do something. It desperately wants to be justified, but we know what Romans 3:20 says, “No flesh shall be justified by the deeds of the law.”

The old man, sinful nature, or old self predicates itself on the law. If you want a mean, ornery, cold, vindictive Christian (should be an oxymoron) then put some law on him or her. As stated in “Worn out?” the law/schoolmaster will slay you or kill you.

One ability of an evangelist is to convince the hearer they are guilty of the law through the unction and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Galatians says the law leads us to Christ to be justified by His faith. Once justified by faith after salvation, the Spirit of truth, the Holy Spirit, continues to convince us by the faith of Christ in us. This knowledge by the Holy Spirit gives us the ability to discern between good and evil. If a believer is justified by the faith of Christ, then he or she does not need to be initiated all over again into the Body of Christ by being convinced they are a sinner. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore if any man [be] in Christ, [he is] a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

Galatians 2:18-19 says, “For if I build again the things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor. For I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto God.”

If I attempt to justify myself by the law or what I think it right I make myself a transgressor. I am a transgressor because apart from faith I cannot please God. Only Christ can justify us by His sacrifice. We are dead to the law by being crucified with Him, Galatians 2:20.

The law cannot have power over a dead person and in Christ we are dead. Romans 7:1, “Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law,) how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth?”

Regarding evangelists, I have nothing whatsoever against evangelists. Evangelists are a crucial part of the five-fold ministry, Ephesians 4:11. Evangelists are need to preach the Gospel of Christ to the unsaved and I am totally on board for that.

My concern and heart is for the Church that Christ has given His life for. I am vehemently and passionately against an evangelist, pastor, apostle, prophet, teacher, or any believer that puts law, legalism, or condemnation on undeserving believers. That is unjust and wrong!

1 Peter 5:3 says, “Neither as being lords over [God’s] heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.”

The Greek word for ‘lords over’ is katakurieuo. has a great study on this word. In relation to Galatians 2:11, I believe Peter learned something concerning katakurieuo.

So, if I try to be a Christian I could be bringing the dead back to life. Leave the dead in the dirt. Live in newness of life by the revelation of Christ in you by faith through grace. Grow in the grace and knowledge of Him.

So, I do not touch the wet paint. Why? Because I don’t want to. The desire of Christ in me wills me not to. It is my will in Him and His will in me. The old nature that wanted to touch the wet paint was crucified with Him at Calvary. That old nature does not have power to even touch the wet paint much less desire. The desire to not touch the wet paint is in me by the revelation of Him.

It is different to not touch the wet paint because you’re not supposed to. Honestly, that is legalism and not the gospel of grace.

Lastly, if I currently don’t touch the wet paint because I’m not supposed to then is Christ my Lord and Savior? That is the question. If you don’t know ask Him. The throne of grace is eternally open through our High Priest.

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