How is the Spirit life?

Romans 8:10,
The Spirit is life because of righteousness.

This verse has been echoing in my spirit for about two weeks or so. About two nights ago, I was so tired, but this verse was knocking persistently in me. So, I popped out Blue Letter Bible on my phone and to my surprise the word was unveiled!

I discovered we partake of the divine nature in the revelation of Christ, the mind of Christ and the knowledge of Him when we receive the free gift of the knowledge of the fulfillment of the righteous requirement of the law5 and through His finished work within us by revelation of Him in us. We receive this knowledge first by hearing. Then by hearing His revelatory word. By faith we understand. Eventually, understanding becomes involved with an experience creating knowledge. The impartation and diffusion by grace of this knowledge “BE’s” us unconditionally righteous before the Father and in us in present pluperfect tense3. That is the reason for the incorrect grammar, but correct meaning. In Him, we are “BEing” and He is BEing is in us all the time without predication on time.

Life (Christ) is being imparted or partaken because of the knowledge of this fulfillment in us by Christ. Sin cannot be imputed when there is no law1. He IS our righteousness2. And there is therefore now no condemnation. Why is that? What is judging us? Why is sin not able to be imputed?

And when I say knowledge I do not mean book knowledge. I mean quickened word from the Spirit of the Living God metabolizing your being. The word consumes us we do no consume the word. It changes me I do not change it. I metabolize food when I consume it and convert it to energy or another form according to purpose. When the quickened word manifests it consumes the recipient and transforms him or her. Amen.

A type and shadow is in

Proverbs 13:12,
Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
But when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.

So, we serve not by keeping the law4, but serve in newness of spirit because of the mind of Christ, our inner man and regenerative work of the Holy Spirit; the Spirit of Life.

This is heresy at its best. Praise the Most High.

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