Whole, holy, pure, sound motive

2 Tim. 1:7, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

Sound mind:

Setmind (5426) (phroneo from phren = literally the diaphragm and thus that which curbs or restrains. Figuratively, phren is the supposed seat of all mental and emotional activity) refers to the basic orientation, bent, and thought patterns of the mind, rather than to the mind or intellect itself (that is the Greek word nous). Phroneo includes a person’s affections and will as well as his reasoning.  In other words phroneo refers not simply to intellectual activity but also to direction and purpose of heart.

His Spirit changes the course of direction, Eph. 4:23, in the spirit of our mind (our “knower”. know that we kn0w) and our motive is transformed and made whole. Our conscience no longer aware of guilt or condemnation. In turn, this effects our mind and motive. This is the fulfillment of,

Hebrews 10:16, “I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;”

Our mind and motive and constantly being renewed by revelation of Him in us according to hearing the word of truth. The apprehension of this truth in us enables us to make wiser decisions and naturally bear His fruit. Bearing His fruit is natural. Against such things there is no law. I believe that is because the motive is renewed and transformed.

This enables us to BE in and reveal glory in the pressures of everyday life. The world cannot give us this. There is no such thing in the world. They do not have the blood of the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world.

In my life, an example of this would be I do not desire the things I use to desire, i.e. porn, excessive drinking, cussing, resentment, drugs, etc. When Paul says the old has gone he really means the old has gone. Gone to God is oblivion as if it never existed. I cannot be the way I use to be. Why? Is it because I am Not suppose to? No, it is because my desire has been transformed and I don’t want to. This is a huge contrast between unfeigned faith, 2 Tim. 1:5, and hypocritical dead religion. My mind is growing more “sound” or “saved” every day by the revelation of Christ in me.

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