“The thought came to mind”or “The Lord told me”

I thought I’d jot down the times I perceived the Lord or the Holy Spirit communicate to me. I have perceived the Father, but more Him emoting and being.

Essence of fear: In cafeteria this morning, 10/22/09, getting coffee. I noticed a woman next to me. I sensed her fear. The thought came to mind, “Self-imposed law creates fear.”

His perfect will does not possess fear: Played foosball today, 07/22/2009. I was a little concerned about being skunked. Then this thought came to mind, “You can’t will to win with fear.”

Achoo!….God bless you: “I noticed that someone was actually stopping in the middle of traffic to let someone in from the parking lot. I asked the Lord or myself, ‘Why do people impeded traffic for the sake of being ‘nice’?’ This was the thought that came to mind, “It makes them feel good inside. They get a warm fuzzy feeling.”

Patience: non-anxious thoughts: “In the Aramaic New Testament, it says patience means, “the thought of not being anxious.” You can read this and it could be just plain ol’ head knowledge, but I’ve been chewing and meditating on this in my spirit. Today, I heard it again inside at the stop light. This thought came to mind, “I cannot be anxious or have anxious thoughts if I have fullness.” What does that mean? In His presence, there is ALL FULLNESS.”

I don’t believe. I know.: “Then one day I thought about my mother in heaven and this thought came to mind, “She is not dead, but alive!” Didn’t Jesus say this in Matt. 22:31-33, “I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.”

Lupe: “Later, the thought came to mind,  perhaps Einstein said that we only use 8-10% of our brains. I thought some animals brains are like 8-10% the size of a human brain which lead me to the next thought. Did Adam communicate with the animals in a different way Prior to the Fall than we do now?”

Days of Noah: “On 02/19/09, this thought came to mind. Now, we are under grace not law. The “days of Noah” was ‘before the law’. In the ‘days of Noah’ they were not under the law the either. Moses had not yet even been born.”

Half-hearted:This thought came to mind, “I put law on myself in the master bathroom.” I was reminded of Christ saying in Matt. 7:1, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.”

Glory of nature: “I could see the reflection of the sun on the trees. I could see the leaves and branches wave in the wind. I perceived the Spirit of the Lord say to me, “That is the glory of the tree.”

My youngest son accepted Christ in his heart:  “I perceived the anointing. And then I realized I could hear the Spirit of the Lord ‘knocking’ on my younger son’s heart.”

Is that obedience?: “As I said, I finished shooting the ball and I perceived the Lord ask me, “Are you going to put the ball back on the ball rack?” I responded yes inside, but really just wanted to leave the ball there. I took the ball and put it on the ball rack. Then the Lord ask me another question that blew me away, “Was that obedience?”

You are holy: “On 05/27/09, Saturday morning, I was brushing my teeth and I perceived the Lord speaking these words to me in my spirit, “You ARE holy.”

Do you really want to?:Today I heard the Lord tell me, “You don’t have to love people.” I said, “Excuse me, huh?” “You don’t have to love people.” This is true. I don’t. If I have to then is that real and bona fide motive from my heart?”

Daughter of mercy: “When this little girl looked at me I perceived the Lord tell me, “This is mercy.” The Hebrew word for mercy means “to delicately teach or bring up.”

Good report:I heard a small voice in me saying, “Go to the gym.”

Plastic forks and spoons: “I heard, “Go down stairs and put back the utensils.” My reply was, “Are you serious?” I heard it again three times. I walked away and this thought came to mind,MY WILLINGNESS MAKES YOU RIGHTEOUS.” It echoed and I reiterated it to myself over and over.

Old is gone. Total detachment.: “I remember a while back the Lord told me, ” I give you the willingness, but you make the choice.”

He dwells in reality and truth: “Today, 10/16/09, the Lord told me, “I dwell in reality and sincerity.

“You are a priest”: “Afterwords, the Lord told me, “You are a priest.”

Torturer: “Now, that I am be honest with myself I think the Lord told me this morning, “Forgiveness comes through you.”

Residence: “Prior to Saturday night, 01/17/09, I noticed something different in my walk. I asked the Lord that night, “What happened?” I felt He told me, “I do not dwell in unforgiveness.”

“Now separate to Me”: “I need to realize the Lord does not say things just say them. I thought I realized that when He recently told me, “I am separating you. You are a different person. You are not who you were anymore.

Hello, my name is ________ .:One night, I was lying down about to go to sleep and the Lord told me, “You have always been who you are.

To eat or not to eat the apple?: Then the Lord told me, “My Forgiveness is bigger than your unforgiveness towards yourself.”

Ten minutes: “I am walking to my apartment and the thought pops in my brain, “Remember, you said 10 minutes.”

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