God’s energy, power and presence

Yesterday, 05/09/10, at the mall I perceived and felt God’s power and presence. Possibly a refilling of the Spirit. Today, I talked to my friend and he felt it over the phone. Then I talked to my uncle and he felt it too.

Philemon 1:6 Paraphrased, “That the fellowship (indescribable intimate union and bond) of your (His) faith may become godly life-energy by the revelatory knowledge of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.”

Faith combined with faith and grace is more life-energy. The dunamis, Acts 1:8, dynamo power of God.

Excerpt from The churning Word

“As the Word ferments and churns it propagates itself also. Acts 1:8 says, “You shall receive power after that the Hoy Ghost has come upon you.” Power is the Greek word dunamis. It is where we get the word dynamite. Dunamis is akin to the nature of a dynamo. In a dynamo, energy reproduces energy like the nuclear power of the sun. Revelation of the Logos expounds, compounds, multiplies, amplifies, and increases eternal depth (if that is possible) with other Logos or word!”

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