What is glory? idk

Of course it is more, but here it goes. Here is the definition of the Greek word for glory. Any language limits God’s attributes. Big is smaller than the smallest word in God’s dictionary. God knew of a 12,978,189 long digit prime number that took us 12 years to discover with computers, One New Man.

Glory1 (1391) (doxa [word study] from dokeo = to think or recognize) means to give a proper opinion. The basic idea in the word doxa is that of manifestation.

Paul said we even glory in tribulation because of the revelation of Christ in us and the Hope of Glory in us. This glory is a manifestation from the effect and diffusion of grace, truth and revelation of the word.

“To think or recognize”. What is recognized?

  • recognize: to perceive as existing or true; realize

Truth IS. He is Truth. Truth is real and creates recognition because it IS and exists and gives purpose. Truth separates from all that is not truth or real. In the end, only truth will be recognized. My identity is hid in Truth and reality.

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