
John 1:14, “And the Word was made flesh…”

John 3:6, “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.”

The Greek root word  for made and born is ginomai. It means:

  • to become, i.e. to come into existence, begin to be, receive being

What does this mean? When I say that I’m really asking what does this sound like when it is spoken directly from His mouth? It will sound different. It will be spirit and life1. And why is that? He is life. He is the “Ever Existent One”. The Creator.

I am realizing that one of the attributes of quickened rhema2 word is that it can be into existence or receive its being when spoken or written down. Ironically, that is also a definition of rhema, “Word spoken and or written down.” Rhema is spirit and life. The medium and substance could be spirit. The essence of rhema could be life. Without faith it is not received. A hardened heart is unable to receive either. The heart is the valve to the channel of the ear. Faith first comes by hearing. Then hearing the rhema of Christ.

When I bear true godly fruit where does that come from? Spirit. Spirit generates spirit or after its own kind.

When I speak in an unknown tongue the Spirit generates spirit.

My actions governed by mind through my members are generated. How else could I be a witness?

My very nature and being is constantly regenerated3.

It seems the nature of ginomai from the perspective of spirit is immortal. Death cannot co-exist with it. It may not even be considered reality when compared.

As believers, I am strongly persuaded we have the ability to generate to bring spiritual things into being by the Spirit and grace in truth.

Last question. What are the implications?





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