To furnish what is needed

Eph. 2:4-7, “4 But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, 5 even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), 6 and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 7 that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness1 toward us in Christ Jesus.

The word “kindness” means the following,

Kindness (5544) (chrestotes from adjective chrestos = useful, profitable in turn from chraomai = to furnish what is needed in turn from chráo = lend, furnish as a loan) is a gracious attitude, and thus describes the quality of being helpful and beneficial, furnishing that which is needed.

The part that catches my attention in the above definition is “to furnish what is needed” or to provide what is in lack. The word “exceeding” means overabundant, overflowing, superfluous, etc. “Riches” could also mean abundance or plenitude.

Guess a paraphrase of verse 7 could also read,

“That in the ages to come (after the book of Acts) He (the Father through Christ) will show (because His will is not arbitrary) the overabundant, overflowing, superfluous abundance and plenitude of His nature through His beloved Son to fill us in every way imaginable or unimaginable.”

I say ‘unimaginable’ because the revelation Christ goes beyond our little brains and PhD’s. I mean come on He created the universe and is bigger than that, but even bigger than that, and that, and so on. The five-fold ministry of God will display His manifold wisdom and impart grace and His nature to whosoever that believes on His only Son. This impartation will only continue to grow and never stop growing because of God’s nature and His fullness. His fullness will be manifested in the Church universally by revelation through holy apostles and prophets who are set apart by His will and grace.

I believe verse 7 is saying there is an exponential, overflowing wave of revelation upon revelation that is and WILL manifest and grow in the Church. This is the beginnings of Ephesians 4, the five-fold ministry in His Body. His Body will grow. His church will grow more into His fullness into the Church. The rest is history.

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