The Fringe – “Safe” Episode

Last night’s (12/02/08) Fringe episode, “Safe”, was good.

Some thieves broke into a bank vault using a device that disrupted the structure of matter. They pointed it at the vault and the structural integrity of the vault become almost like water. The thieves then walked through the vault to get what they were wanting to steal. In theory, this liquid portal created in the vault was based on quantum mechanics and could only stay open for ~2 minutes. On the way out, time was almost up and the device grappling hook was stuck. The last man disengaged the hook and then walked back through the vault. He was a few seconds late on his exit though. The structural integrity of the vault become solid steel again along with the man’s body. The man did not make it.

Agent Olivia Dunham arrives on the scene and recognizes the man stuck in the wall of the vault. She recalls eating dinner with him and his family and is totally convinced she knows him.

She goes to see the man’s wife to tell her the bad news. The wife does not recognize Olivia? Olivia recognizes her, the house, the dining room where they ate dinner. The wife replies to Olivia and says, “You are correct and accurate about the dinner, but you weren’t here. John Scott was. I wrote another blog about John and Olivia in The Fringe.

Long story short, Olivia entered John’s consciousness. When she left part of his consciousness left with her in her without her knowing it.

This memories of eating dinner with this wife and her husband were John’s memories, but Olivia was convinced they were hers! When I saw that I said to myself, “Wow!” Why?

The apostle Paul says in Gal. 2:2 that “he went up by revelation.” In Gal. 1:16 Aramaic-to-English translation he said, “I did not explain this (the revelation of Christ) to any living person.”

I believe Paul went to Jerusalem by revelation. What does that mean? Well, Olivia was convinced that the memory of eating dinner with that man and his family was true in her mind. Paul was persuaded and convinced so much of the revelation of Christ within him that he was not compelled to explain it to any living person. Why? Because he knew. His conviction of this revelation was so strong that it changed his person from a murderer to a lover of mankind. It compelled him to preach the gospel in spite of constant persecution and death threats.

In the show, John Scott’s thoughts became Olivia’s. You could say his will became hers and hers became his.

Heb. 8:10, Heb. 10:10, Eph. 5:17, Phil. 1:6, Phil. 2:13, Col. 1:9.

What all of the above scriptures have in common is God’s will in us. As we grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, His will becomes our will and our will becomes His. His thoughts sanctify and regenerate us and our minds by the work of the Holy Spirit and the washing of the word. This imprints the last Adam, Christ, in us creating His righteous nature unto good works by grace.

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