Fresh supply given by the God of all Choreography


Today, someone heard me out. It injected His much needed life into me. Praise you Lord. Spiritually, I was so dead and down. Someone ripped out my soul while I was still using it. What I realized today is that the injection was through rhema. He, Christ, will diffuse rhema by His Spirit and word; a “fresh supply of the Spirit of Christ”. This download from Him is choreographic. He is the Great Choreographer preparing us unto good works with purged consciences. Glory!!! Good stuff. Did He not say in Hebrews 10:16,

This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;

The other “tupos” is Paul saying he is crucified with Christ, Christ liveth in him, not him, but Christ. Glory again.

Philippians 1:19,

For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer, and the supply (choreographic revelatory godly energy) of the Spirit of Jesus Christ (by revelation of Him and His word)..

Excerpt from PreceptAustin.org1:

Supply (2023) (epichoregeo from epi = upon + choregeo = supply)  means to furnish upon. To furnish besides or in addition. To supply further. To add more unto. Epichoregeo then conveys the thought of a generous and lavish provision – give lavishly, give generously.

Even as this picturesque verb meant to richly supply everything an ancient chorus needed so that it might be a grand production, so believers are to richly supply everything needed so that our life might be a “grand production” that bring great glory to the Father (Mt 5:16).


The root verb choregeo gives us our English word choreography which is defined as the sequence of steps and movements in dance, the arrangement of movements that the audience sees on the stage (Beloved of the Father [1Th 1:4note], ponder that thought a moment – Upon what stage is “the choreography” of our life now visible?) Picture your spiritual life a divinely choreographed production — God has “written” the music and words and movements of the production even before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4note). As followers of Christ (1Jn 2:6) however we must diligently seek to fulfill the parts He has prepared for each of us to carry out in this grand choreography called the Christian life so that the Author of the play receives great honor and glory  (Mt 5:16note). How are your “dance steps” dear brother or sister in Christ?


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