I forgot

This blog builds a little more on The beauty of nullification. “Someone or something dead is NULLIFIED.”

Phil. 3:13, “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but [this] one thing [I do], forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,”

The Greek word for forgetting is epilanthanomai. The tense is passive deponent or “having a passive form with an active meaning, as certain Latin and Greek verbs.”

I remember times when I have quit smoking. Three days go by. One week, three weeks, and then it’s three months. I’m driving in my car and the thought occurs, “Cigarette.” I consciously have to remind myself at this point that I smoked cigarettes at one point. Why? Because I totally forgot I smoked cigarettes. Who I am in Christ does not smoke cigarettes, view porn, snort cocaine, use foul language, or drink excessively. That person is dead. That person is nullified and obselete.

Think of an occasion when you forgot something that someone else wanted you to remember like a birthday, anniversary, appointment, or whatever and you forgot. Why did you forget? For myself, I forgot because it was not a priority in my heart or brain at the time. I had too many other important things going on in my perspective.

I believe this is why I forgot I quit smoking because it was no longer important to me. Something dead is dead. It cannot come back to life unless I actively remember it. If I actively try to forget then I am not forgetting, but trying to erase a memory. This trying is Uzza. I cannot actively forget somethng in my self-strength, but only through the revelation of Christ and the truth in me. This truth sets me free from my old self. This old self was unable to justify itself. It was trying to justify itself by trying to forget rather than passively forgetting by grace.

This is the affect of Christ. So, why do I see brother or sisters in Christ on merry-go-rounds of sin in their life? Another blog previously written discusses this topic, No wonder I keep remembering.

Hebrews 10:2-4 (Aramaic NT) says, “– because now not being troubled in conscience with their sins who one time purified them: — but in them, by their sacrifices, they remembered their sins every year. For the blood of bulls and goats is not able to purify sins.”

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