
Colossians 3:13, “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

Tonight the Lord told me, “When you try to be perfect you expect others to be the same.” After hearing this, I said, “I forgive myself for not being perfect.” I felt a weight lifted from my heart. Thought it would be good to write about. For years I have thought failure is not an option. Especially, if it is in public. Can you say hypocrite? I learned a new term recently, “image management.” I fire myself then. Lol. I think that happened at my baptism into Him at salvation. Who I was is dead in Him. I was drowned and rose in newness of life at resurrection with Christ by grace through His faith working inside. This perfect image stuff is for the birds. It is very difficult to forgive myself if I am not perfect because in doing so I have to admit I am not. Pride then can get in the way of allowing myself to forgive myself. I believe pride is a form of idolatry and self-strength. How can I truly offer forgiveness to others then?

That is why I like Col. 3:13. In order to offer forgiveness I need to experience His true forgiveness. I believe that is why He said, “Peace I leave with you and peace I give unto. I do not give unto to you as the world does.” He is the free gift. His forgiveness gives me Him and He is peace. Otherwise, I have the opportunity to chase my tail like Gal. 2:18 and experience insanity, wasted energy and time. Redeem the time, Eph. 5:16. By His complete work, He gives me a new life and now time is on my side in Him.

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