Follow the bouncing ball

Click here for the physics of a bouncing ball.

The ball stores this work/energy as a deformation of its elastic surface and a compression of the air inside the ball. The ball then rebounds from the table as this stored energy reemerges as kinetic energy in the ball.”

So, I was bouncing a ball today and this popped in my head. How? I thought about it and dug around a little on the internet.

The ball absorbs and converts the energy applied to it. Hopefully I am saying this correctly. The ball is a medium so to speak of the energy applied to it. My energy (me throwing the ball) acts as the catalyst and initiates the process. I bet if I were in space and I bounced the ball in zero gravity (or no resistance/friction) the ball would move indefinitely. The harder I bounced the ball or more energy applied to the force of my throw I believe would increase acceleration. The distance would not change which is infinite. I picture a space craft traveling through space and at different stages a booster will fire off and increase the acceleration. Einstein said that time slows down as an object approaches the speed of light. This starts to go into the theory of relativity which is where I’m going.

Isaiah 28:10 says,
“For precept [must be] upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, [and] there a little:”

John 1:16-17 says,
“And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. For the law was given by Moses, [but] grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.”

Colossians 2:9 says,
“For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.”

I’ve noticed as I’ve grown in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ that revelation reaffirms and intertwines with other revelation on a micro- to macroscopic scope of cognizance. This reminds me of the Isaiah scripture. The revelation of Him compounds itself and its growth is eternally exponential. Hence, grace for grace unto infinite fullness in Him by Him in us.

In Ephesians 3:8, Paul speaks of the “unsearchable riches of Christ.” I interpret this as no bounds, limitations, or finite end to what Christ has done for us and His creation.

This revelatory knowledge of Him enters our inner man with it’s purpose and does not return void. The knowledge of Him could be energy, His energy. In Colossians 1:29 Paul says, “ Whereunto I also labour, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily.” This supernatural knowledge of Christ deposited into Paul and worked in him like a dynamo which is where the word “power” comes from in the Greek. “And you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you”, Acts 1:8. A dynamo is power reproducing power. A reoccurring pattern in nature I see of this power is the nuclear power of the sun. Nuclear power is created because of the nature of a star over and over again. There is an exceeding power towards those who believe, Eph. 1:19. This power that is created by the knowledge of Him. This power gives ability to bear His fruit, say no to p0rn/perversion, quit smoking, quit cocaine, no to desire to participate in foul language even, raise the dead, grow new limbs, change personality and not modify it, cast out demons, see the future, experience pure joy, run with all endurance, authority over all death, and the list goes on.

There seems to be a lot happening when a ball is bounced.

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