One flesh

Ephesian 5:31, “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.”

The Greek word for ‘agree’ or ‘acknowledge’ is symphoneo. It is akin to symphony. The definition is: lit., “to sound together” (sun, “together,” phone, “a sound”), i.e., “to be in accord, primarily of musical instruments,” is used in the NT of the “agreement.”

The Greek word for ‘confess’ is homologeo and it means lit., “to speak the same thing” (homos, “same,” lego, “to speak”), “to assent, accord, agree with.”

When both man and wife are in homologeo and symphoneo they are creating their unique anointing together even in the bond of peace. Their ONE FLESH is under grace and the authority of Christ in both the man and wife. In Christ, and the revelation of Him, both the man and wife possess and grow in the same understanding (by faith), mind, and grace together in unity. Their flesh acts together or coalesces, Col. 2:19, as ONE FLESH because of the regenerative, sanctifying, empowering, liberating work of the Holy Spirit in the spirit and soul of each spouse. Their ONE FLESH is under Christ power and authority.

A previous blog, Harmony, contains more information on homologeo and symphoneo.

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