Fission of the Word in us

I was going through memory lane and read His power working in us… I was led to read up again on nuclear fission.

Greek paraphrase Phm 1:6: That the fellowship (indescribable intimate union and bond) of your (His) faith may become godly life-energy by the revelatory knowledge of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.


­The splitting of an atom releases an incredible amount of heat and gamma radiation, or radiation made of high-energy photons. The two atoms that result from the fission later release beta radiation (super fast electrons) and gamma radiation of their own as well. The energy released by a single fission comes from the fact that the fission products and the neutrons, together, weigh less than the original U-235 atom. The difference in weight is converted directly to energy at a rate governed by the equation E = mc2.

When I read the above link and looked at the animation I saw new revelatory word being birth in us by the Spirit of God continually on a daily basis. Word bonds with other word that causes a chain reaction unleashing energy then bonds with another and so on. All the Word is Him. This word co-mingles in our person, Rom. 12:2, and then becomes quickened unto godly-life energy, righteousness and power, Rom. 8:10. Our soul and flesh partake in this “fission of the Word” in us. The word expounds, expands, grows and is new all the time in us. The newness1 of the word is in present pluperfect tense. It is always NOW in us. This word comes from a place where a day is like a thousand years and a thousands years is like a day. To me, the word reproduces itself similar to the fission process. Who created the fission process? This Word is not of this world and comes from its source, Col. 1:5. This Word dwells in us richly now through faith and grace, Col. 3:16.

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