Fear of the unknown

I was thinking yesterday. Hypothetically, put a child into a family that pays little attention to him. Inadvertently make him a parental caregiver to his parents. Do not allow his parents to console him on real issues. Create dramatic situations constantly in the family. Create an atmosphere of uncertainty and instability. Kill one the parent he is closest to. Keep the one that he can continue console who did not console him.

Ostracize him from the family after the death of that parent.

Now, as a man, he is fearful of what? The unknown. Why? He was never given an opportunity to know what it was like to be in a similitude of a relatively functional family and to know what it was like. Therefore, he knew the unknown. In order to relate to the unknown he had to survive, adapt, cope, fix, control and fight without peace.

When he encounters situations he cannot control the unknown is triggered within that child. The child is reminded and relives it again. The man wants to control. He suppresses anger because if he does not the anger will control him. It is a tormenting, violent cycle.

He looks to Him, to Christ and opens his arms, falls on his face in prayer. He gives over his control to God. One emotion and thought at a time. He encounters and witnesses the horizon of serenity. At times, it is alien to him. No wonder, but no longer has to be, but can and will be his home.

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