Not all facts are truth

In Is it God’s will for me to have this?

I said speaking of my mother, “After the gangrene developed, one toe was amputated. Then another. The last time we were at the hospital the doctor said, ‘We will need to cut off the foot from the ankle down.’ ”

I recall my mother and father crying. I ask myself today, “Why were they crying?” Well, I’d say bad news is one reason. I don’t know of anyone who wants there foot cut off.

Then another thought came to mind, “They cried because they believed what they heard.

I wonder to myself, “If the faith unto fear was redirected to the living Word and its promises what could have happened?”

Why are we so ready to believe doctors, just any book, commercials, anyone with a degree, anyone without a degree, mechanics, technicians, politicians, and yes even ministers?

I have fallen into this from time to time I guess because I don’t want to think for myself and assume what I hear is truth.

Not all facts are truth.

What?! Chapter and verse brother. Okay.

John 11:14, “Lazarus is dead.” FACT.

John 11:43-44. Lazarus was asleep, woke up and came to life. TRUTH.

So, if you feel a cold, fever coming on are you truthfully sick according to the Word? Or factually?

Facts don’t set me free.

Facts impart knowledge, but no true power. Facts only have only so much power in this world.

For example, hypothetically, I am fired or laid off from work. FACT.

God is Jehovah-Jireh and He will supply all my needs. TRUTH.

I believe the Pharisees operated in facts, but were unable to refute Jesus’s doctrine and authority which was based on absolute, undeniable, all-convincing, liberating Truth.

I believe that is why when Christ spoke it says, “They marveled.”

They were use to hearing facts and ‘head knowledge’, but were unaccustomed to revelatory, life-changing truth.

Prior to accepting Christ and even afterwards, I was a sinner. Even after accepting Christ, I went through many unnecessary trials due to my ignorance.

The facts are prior to Christ I was a sinner. I did things that were bad. After His salvation, I have still made mistakes, but I am learning from them and understand I do not have to repeat them anymore. That is a crucial part. Otherwise, what is the point? Is Christ who he said he was or not? If so, then where is the reality of him in my life?

So, the facts are “I was a sinner” and “I still make mistakes”, but what is the truth?

The truth is I am forgiven. My trespasses are not counted or reckoned to my account so that I might live in “newness of life.” The truth is I am new creature in Christ. The truth is the old has gone and the new has come.

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