There is no exit here

This blog builds on Found.

Romans 6:4 speaks of “newness” of life not renewed, but newness. It is different. It is newness that was not there before knowing Him. The life is His life in us. 2 Cor. 3:6 speaks of the Spirit giving life. Once again, it is His life that is given by grace in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Gal. 2:20 says it is His life that we live not ours. The impartation, commingling, diffusion, and union of His life in us is not based on walking a tight rope of religion or pseudo-spirituality. Col. 2:18, 23 talks about ‘false humility.’

I remember the “pastor” at a church I used to go to a while back. He’d say, “I want to grow in my relationship with the Lord to a point where I can’t find my way out.” What an awesome statement! Who doesn’t right?

Christ has no beginning and no end. There is no exit. And that is an anchor of hope for our souls.

I used to think there was an exit and there was, but it may not be what you think. The exit was an exit from the law, obeying a list of do’s and don’ts, from dead religion, from anything I thought I could do to be spiritual apart from graced works. I thought I was rebelling against God, but I wasn’t. I was rebelling against hard religion in my heart that I could never fulfill and was never intended to. My conscience was constantly witnessing my failure to “keep the law.” Keeping the law put me under a curse.

On the cross, the Aramaic bible says Jesus said, “Shelem” and not “It is finished.” In the Aramaic or Hebrew mind this variant of shalom which is where we get the word “peace” from in the bible. It means “whole, complete, without any lack, all in all.” Jesus did not just say “Shelem” for my salvation which is so much more than not going to Sheol (the N.T. refers to Sheol as Hell.) He said “Shelem” to save my soul. Make it whole, complete, without any lack. He said “Shelem” to my body. He said “Shelem” to everything I come in contact with by His glory and power. He said “Shelem” to every molecule and atom on earth, our solar system, our galaxy, and the universe.

In this “Shelem”, I am found. I am becoming and am who I really am. His truth is becoming me. If I am growing into who I really am in Him, then there is no exit. I cannot deny who I am because it is who I am. There is no exit from my true nature. I cannot deny or disown me if it is real. Why would I? It wouldn’t make sense. 2 Tim. 2:13

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