Kind disposition

Romans 10:1 Paul says, “my heart’s desire and prayer.”

Desire (2107) (eudokía [word study] from eu = well, good + dokeo = think) defines the state of being kindly disposed, and so refers to benevolence, good will, or pleasure. Paul is saying my earnest and sincere wish. Vincent says it is more literally “the good will of my heart.”. Young’s Literal rendering is interesting – “the pleasure indeed of my heart“.1

Even if the desire is in us for good and the benefit of others then it seems even the willingness has an effect, Rom. 5:17. I believe we will it into existence through grace, faith and prayer. According to the flesh, which no flesh shall glory in His presence, Michael Jordan did it with the Chicago Bulls and led them to six world championships. God willed creation and it is. It is His will in us. He spoke things into existence at creation and during His ministry. He created peace and righteousness in Himself in His flesh. The things of God are eternal, real and substantial. Things that are lies are not. Lies are non-truths. Truth is reality. Even our untrue thoughts are less real than His truth in us! Otherwise, there WOULD BE condemnation in Christ, Rom. 8:1. It does not hinge on our motive, but His grace and faith in us.

Isaiah 14:24, “The Lord Almighty has sworn, “Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand.”

Eph. 1:11, “In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:”

Rom. 12:21, “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.”

This willingness or His motive inside of me towards me is good. Good in Hebrew is the opposite of evil. Evil means dysfunctional in Hebrew. Now, in Christ, His motive in me is functional for my good and by love for the good of others and the planet. His willingness inside of me is kindly disposed all the time towards me. I love myself, others and Him as He has loved me because He is love. He is good.

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